Latest News
School Librarian wins’ Book Fair Organiser of the Term’ with Scholastic.
Librarian at The Birkenhead Park School, Miss Smith, has won £250’s worth of book vouchers for the school through the Scholastic Book Fair.
Students use 'PiXL Apps' to help support their learning
The skills based assessment PiXL Apps contain a range of in-built questions that allow students to practice the core skills within subjects such as Mathematics and English to ensure success.
Head of Year visits Cape Town to inspire young children
Head of Year 10 at The Birkenhead Park School, Mr Huyton, is to visit Cape Town again in February to meet young children and set up a new project with a foundation he helped establish in 2010.
Year 11 students learn new skills to help them with interviews.
As part of our extensive commitment to helping our students plan for the future, Year 11 took part in an activity which was delivered by staff on the importance of preparing for and having a successful interview.
Character lessons are helping students understand the importance of kindness, respect and confidence.
New Character lessons which are taking place at The Birkenhead Park School focus on changing the culture of our communities.
Welcome to our ‘ Reading Buddies’
Our new peer scheme ‘Reading Buddies’ is proving to be a huge success with students.
Be PART at The Birkenhead Park School
Year 7 students have been taking part in a six-week programme which focuses on the mental health and wellbeing of students and includes sessions on challenging negative thoughts, the importance of sleep and diet and using gratitude to build resilience.
Students Write Thank You Notes To Teachers.
As part of our brand new ‘Character’ lessons, students have been writing thank you notes to members of staff.