Students select four option subjects to study towards GCSE or vocational qualifications. All students study GCSEs in English Language and Literature, Mathematics and Science in Key Stage 4.
We cover the following subjects at Key Stage 4:
English, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages, History, Geography, Religious Education, Art, Business, Dance BTEC, Digital IT, Drama, Film Studies, Music, Product Design, PSHE, SMSC, Sport Science, Statistics, and RSE.
We will be holding our 'Year 9 Options Evening' on Monday 17th March 2025, from 4:00-6:00pm. You should have received a letter with information on the evening.
Once you've decided on your GCSE choices, you'll need to fill in the form found here on our website - this MUST be submitted by Friday 21st March 2025, by 12 noon.