Our school uniform requirements demonstrate the school values of ‘Ambition and Excellence for All’. Students are expected to maintain our excellent uniform standards at all times, including their travel to and from school when they represent The Birkenhead Park School in the community.

As part of a student’s general appearance the following are not acceptable:
False nails (including coloured or French polish).
Painted nails – only clear nail polish is permitted.
False eyelashes.
Fake tan or spray tan that does not look natural.
Facial piercings (clear spacers or retainers are not allowed at any time).
Extreme hair colours (only natural looking colours are permitted).
Extreme hair styles including any step change in hair length.
Bandanas – this includes wearing them as a hairband.
No shaved patterns into hair.
Jewellery – (including rings, bracelets, bangles).
Badges (other than badges issued by the school).
Tube and/or body-con style skirts are NOT permitted.
Caps or hats.
Socks above the knee.
The following are acceptable:
One watch may be worn on the wrist.
One pair of small plain earrings (no sleepers, stretchers or spikes). The stud must be in the ear lobe and not at any other point of the ear.
Official Birkenhead Park School Uniform is available online or in store from Wirral Uniform Centre:
BPS is keen to support those students who identify as transgender, non-binary or gender fluid, and our uniform policy reflects our commitment to inclusion. Although we refer to boys’ and girls’ uniform we are happy to discuss the individual needs of a student if required.
If in doubt over any aspect of uniform, please contact the school to seek clarification.
Full school uniform will be worn by all of our children every day, children not in school uniform will have to remedy any uniform breach before being permitted into school. Should any breach of uniform not be corrected then the school will treat this as a disciplinary matter.
Wirral Fuss
Wirral FUSS (Free Uniform for Secondary School) are a local organisation that recycles good quality uniforms to supply secondary school students with the necessary items of clothing they need for school, for free.
Since 2012 they've helped distribute school uniform and PE kits to over 5,000 families, without judgement of family circumstances and reducing the volume of textile landfill.
If you would like to use their services or donate spare items of school uniform. please head to www.wirralfuss.co.uk for more details.
School Uniform Shop
A limited number of school uniform items are available in the school uniform shop, these items have been donated by our former students.